i think i just peed a little

I am me. You are you. lets leave things at that.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

you won't find an entrepreneur who is a democrat...

...so says my new boss.

For those of you who don't know, I just started a second job. All of my co-workers, including the owner, are republican. I had the unfortunate opportunity to learn this on the first day I started working there. I, of course, did not learn this by choice, since I typically do not like to discuss politics at work. I personally wouldn't want to needlessly offend anyone I work with. Unfortunately, my co-workers and boss don't have that same policy. Just to give a quick example, my boss told me today that, "you will never find an entrepreneur who is a democrat." He also went on to say, "see, democrats believe in unions, so they also believe in doing the bare minimum their job requires. You can never ask a democrat to do more than what they are required to do. I would much rather work with someone who isn't a democrat. They have a way more relaxed way of getting things done. If it doesn't have to be done now, they won't do it."

Now, trust me, I did have a few comments about those statements I desperately wanted to respond to his rant with, BUT I really am enjoying the idea of having a second job. So, instead, I smiled and nodded, and pretty much didn't say a single word.

When you look up democrat on urbandictionary.com, you get the following definitions/quotes:

"[A Democrat is:] One of two political parties in The United States of America whose members believe that their collective ideas are 100 orrect and all citizens who do not agree are complete, uneducated morons. Conversely, Republicans believe to be 100 orrect and that non-believers are unpatriotic satanists. Both parties' members ironically view themselves as compassionate, free-thinking and mainstream."

"As a free-thinker and a democrat, I say you are an idiot because you don't agree with me. And I know I'm right because I got my beliefs from CNN and you got yours from Fox!"

"democrat is someone who usually wants to take the money from hard working people and give it to lazy fuckers who cant afford a house, and blasts everything that is republican related. jesse jackson is a democrat. he blasts nascar just because its republican related. And there are no black nascar racers. so he has to stick his nose in everything and complain. democrats are narrow minded dumbfucks who think its okay to be a highschool drop out."


"An incredibly ignorant person fed their daily knowledge by the likes of Dan Rather and Jon Stewart. Typically, a democrat cannot even spell Rush Limbaugh's name, but is more than willing to invoke their version of it in ad-hoc criticisms of the Republican party. If you encounter a democrat, which is snynonymous with "liberal" in modern times, DO NOT debate. They are unreasonable and no amount of data, facts, and quotes to the contrary of their arguments can affect them. Beware, attempts at character assassination will be made by the liberal when he is defeated in argument. Back to the main point, don't argue with them. They will make some idiotic remark under their breath and walk away thinking they've "won" the debate.Note to the readers of this definition: check the other definitions of this word and you'll notice one common trait. They all mention how undesirable conservatives are, rather than elaborating on reasons that their beliefs are superior.There is much, much more to these troubled people, but I think I've thouroughly pissed off everyone on this website already. By the way, what's with this defintion here... something about liberals being the more libertarian of the two parties. That's a good one. Seriously. This from a party that doesn't want to allow the option of personal retirement accounts."

When you try looking up republican you get pretty much the same kind of sarcastic definitions/quotes from people who are typically not republican.

I find this all very amusing.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

You have eyebrows? I don't.

My eyebrows were pretty hairy today, so I decided to go and get them waxed. That was a bad idea. The stupid lady made one eyebrow shorter than the other. It was completely obvious, so I don't know how she figured it was ok. Well, with the advice of Shanghai, I went and got an eyebrow pencil to extend the short one. Its looks much better now. Thanks for caring.

I'm reading a book, its called "Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O'Reilly." I am enjoying it thoroughly. If you dislike Bill O'Reilly, you would like it too. I guess even if you don't know who he is but tend to go toward the left, you would like this book as well. It is pretty harsh, but that's probably why I like it so much. I really can't stand public figures that report bogus stuff just to make themselves look better or so they seem like they know what in the fuck they are talking about. Why can't anyone just tell the truth... grrr...

I spent way to much money today. I had to buy a friend's birthday present. I was not happy about it. She's one of those people who spend a lot on birthday presents and expects the same in return. I don't have a lot of money. What little I do have I like to save. If only I had a husband I could live off of. Wouldn't that be great.

Well, off to take a short nap before a walk. Don't know why I'm telling "you" this, since I'm probably the only one who is going to read this anyway. :)

Ash says my butt is too big

Went to the zoo with my sister and my niece and nephew. I had to sit in the backseat between two car seats that housed a 5 year old and a 3 year old. My niece is the 5 year old. I just bearly fit my butt between the two of them. So, I already feel bad enough, but then my niece shouts out, "LJ, your butt's too big!" Thanks a lot Ash. What I really wanted to say was "fuck off kid," but I knew my sister wouldn't appreciate that much. She also called me "squishy" once. That I didn't appreciate either. When I was 5, I knew enough to keep my god damned mouth shut.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Its raining today. I'm bored. Only 9 more days until my vacation.

I'm trying out this new thing...its called "not drinking." A friend and I are tying it out for a month to see how it goes. Hopefully, it goes well. I drew up a contract that we both signed saying we would not drink, smoke or eat fast-food, and we MUST walk at least 3 times a week for at least an hour and do yoga at least once a week. We have yet to agree/figure out the consequences of cheating, but so far, I like the idea that we would lose a finger or a toe each time....sounds like something I wouldn't want to lose, so maybe that will help. What is our reason for doing this, you ask? Well, we want to see how much weight we lose, and more importantly (for me anyway) how much money we save.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

So, the story starts out with a guy and a girl, talking on a curb. Its cold out, its late and the girl really has to pee.

The guy asks the girl, "Do you have a problem with me."

The girl replies, "What?!? No, I don't have a problem with you."

The guy shakes his head, looks to the ground and says, "well, then, if you can, explain to me what's been going on. The way it was explained to me was that Sara* told Emma* you had a problem with she and I hanging out. I'm just wondering how much of that was really from you, or how much of it was Sara. I know what I think, I just want to hear it from you."

The girl smiles, thinking to herself, "damn, what do I say." She knows that discussing having a crush on him last week isn't something she wants to reveal..ever. Suddenly, she remembers what she and her friend discussed a few days prior, that if confronted by the question of what was going on, they would blame it all on their friend, Sara.

Finally, the girl answers his question, "See, Fabio*, Sara believes that since Emma and I are the only single girls in the group, that we are in some competition when it comes to guys. I guess since you and I started hanging out first, or that we knew each other first, that I sort of had "dibs" on you, and when you and Emma started hanging out, Sara decided to interfere and tell Emma that she should back off and that I need all the help I can get to wrangle a guy. With Emma around, I apparently have no chance."

The guy laughs and says "I figured it was something like that. I was just worried that it was me. I figured if you had a problem with me, that you would just tell me and we would work on fixing whatever it was." He gets more serious and explains to the girl that he has always enjoyed hanging out with her, that he likes talking to her about everyday stuff, about politics, etc., and he wouldn't want to jeopardize anything they had. He also says he doesn't think she needs any help getting a guy, that he disagrees with Sara's statement.

After a lot of smiling and a lot of blushing the girl coyly says "awww...I enjoy hanging out and talking with you too, Fabio!"

The guy suddenly gets quiet, he looks to the ground, looks back up at the girl and blurts out, "you know my situation, right? or maybe you don't. But ahh..." The girl smiles and says, "No, Fabio, I don't know. What is your current situation?" Knowing full well what he was about to say.

"ummm.. I know its pretty obvious that I like Emma. I would probably say anyone who didn't know that yet is pretty stupid. But I don't think she likes me back. And that's fine."

The girl, realizing what was going on, thought about those words he just said. She once would have felt sadness upon hearing those words. She now, deep within her, knows that she doesn't feel sadness. In fact, she feels the complete opposite. This was the test. This was the final test to see if she was completely over the guy. She realizes that she completely is. She replies to the guy, without a quiver or longing in her voice, "No Comment." Utter relief washed over her. She was free. Finally free to be ok with just being friends. Good friends, she hopes.

The guy, realizing he knew she wouldn't say anything in response to his confession turns the conversation back to Sara. "I hope you don't take offense to this, but I'm pretty sure you know that I don't like Sara. Its painfully obvious to me that she is quite unhappy in her current situation and all she wants to do is drag everyone down further than her, so she has something to feel good about. So that there is always someone who feels worse than she does."

The girl ponders that statement. It could be true. Yes, it could... Maybe it is true. Hopefully it is not. But then she remembers how much Sara has tried to bring her down. Even when she said to her that she was completely over the "Fabio Situation," her friend still has something to say about it. Why would she do that? To see what kind of reaction I would give, she tells herself. That must be it. She hoped that was it. If it wasn't, and it was more, what would she do? How would she cope with knowing that her so-called friend is always trying to bring her down? She knows what down is. Down is not fun. Down it is a scary place that no one in the waking world would want to experience. Down is death and destruction. No one wants to think about those two words.

Little time has passed with all these thoughts running through the girl's mind. She comes back to reality and realizes she's just been giving affirmatives to what the guy has been saying, not really listening. Although her mind has been absent from the current discussion, the conversation seems to be going good. It actually seems like the guy and the girl are a bit closer now than they were a half hour ago. The girl decides she has had enough talking for one night. Desperate to get off the cold, dirty curb she says,

"Ok, well, I really have to pee, so I'm going to go now. I'll probably see you down here tomorrow night. If not, Sunday after 4:30 I don't really have any plans..."

The guy responds, "Alright, well, I don't have any plans either. I do hope to see you down here tomorrow night though. I'll be here by 9."

The girl says, "I'll try to be here."

They hug, say their good bye's, and drive off.


*Names have been changed to protect those invovled.